In today’s episode of The Pooch Parenting Podcast, I am partnering with my friend Corinne of The Doodle Pro™. She shares a question with me from one of the members from The Doodle Pro’s Honor Society about a maltipoo who is growling at their 7 year old daughter. Join us as we dive into doodle dog behavior, how to read body language, and what to do about growling.

Topics on this episode include:
- what is a doodle
- dog body language
- why dog’s growl
- how to prevent dog growling
- consent in dogs
- when dogs growl at kids
- how to prevent dogs from feeling unsafe around kids
- The ABC’s of Growling – How to Understand and Respond to Your Dog
Listen to the episode
Do you have a question you’d like me to answer on the Pooch Parenting Podcast?
I love to answer listener questions on the podcast. If you’d like your question answered, please record it (like a voicemail!) here. I’ll do my best to include it in a future episode.
p.s. If you are a dog pro who wishes you had a little more confidence with clients who are adopting or expecting kids or who have children already, get on the waitlist for The Pooch Parenting Coach Collective. It’s a supportive membership for dog professionals that offers live zooms, made-for-you handouts to give to clients with kids, and an interactive Facebook group.