
Can Kids and Dogs Become Best Friends?

Can Kids and Dogs Become Best Friends?

Many parents dream of having their child and dog become best friends. Some even get a puppy when their baby is young, hoping that as they grow up together, they will develop a lifelong bond. While this is a wonderful idea, it’s not quite so simple, and may take a little more management than you might have expected.

There is nothing like the special relationship that dogs and children can develop. I remember two of my childhood dogs and how much they comforted me when I was sad or lonely. One greeted me at the front door every day when I got home from school, took my wrist in her mouth, and brought me to our special place to snuggle.

But in order for this bond to become strong, you will need to do a lot of management so that your kiddo and pooch both feel safe. Dogs and kids both need separate, protected spaces, where they can retreat when they don’t want to be bothered. Puppies and adolescent dogs can be a lot to take – and the worst case scenario is that your children become fearful of the dog. The opposite is also true – toddlers and rough children can easily frighten dogs, ruining all chances of them becoming best buds later.

Can dogs and kids become best friends? Absolutely. Will it be simple and “natural” simply by raising them at the same time? Nope. But I can help if you need support. You don’t have to figure this all out on your own. I’m a mom, and certified professional dog trainer – so I totally get how to both support you and your dog.

If you have a story to share, please tell us about it here or on social! I’m @PoochParenting on both Facebook and Instagram. Plus, I have a special FB group just for you called Parenting Kids and Dogs. Join us – we’d love to have you.