
42. Dog Crates are NOT for Kids

Clients call me to help them feel more confident as they parent their kids and dogs. Parenting is the hardest thing most of us have done, and when you throw a puppy into the mix, it can feel even more chaotic than you could have imagined. When safety is a concern, parents feel an urgent need to get support. And sometimes, I get called to solve a family debate. In today’s episode, I share how I helped a couple to understand that their child should not go into the dog crate.

Dog Crates are not for kids

Dog crates need to represent a safe space. If a child violates that trust, it can not only be dangerous in the moment, but it can damage the trust between that dog and child moving forward.

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Workshop on Safe and Positive Kid & Dog Relationships

My brand new workshop, Kid and Dog Relationships is coming! It’s a 90-minute workshop for parents. The workshop will contain 5 top tips to help kids and new family dog to build safe and positive relationships that will last a lifetime. The workshop will be offered live on two dates, and then afterwards, will be available on-demand.

Have a Question about Kids and Dogs?

If you have a question that you’d like Michelle to answer on the podcast, you can record it at: www.speakpipe.com/poochparenting.

Ongoing Support for Parents with Dogs

If you’d like ongoing support as your kids and dogs grow up together, or even for just a few months to help you to get through a rough patch, please get on the waitlist for The Pooch Parenting Society. You’ll enjoy the practical advice and fun family activities that will help your dog family live together in harmony.