
84. Separation is Not the Same as Isolation when Managing Kids and Dogs

A lot of my clients seem to be very uncomfortable with the idea of separating their dog and child for safety reasons. But I recently had an epiphany – they all assumed that separation was the same as isolation. And it’s not.

Using management strategies, such as using a pen to cordon off an area for a child to play, provide separation between the dog and child. But neither the dog or child is isolated. Everyone can still see each other. The parent can still interact with everyone. And with time and patience, everyone can be very comfortable and safe with such an arrangement.

So now, I am always reminding clients that “Separation is not the same as isolation.” It’s simply a way for parents to function and do the impossibly difficult job of raising kids and dogs together.

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Photo examples of Separation

toy pen for child - safe management for kids and dogs - pooch parenting
Separation is not the same as isolation
dog behind baby gate as an example of safe dog and child management - pooch parenting Separation is not the same as isolation
child behind a barrier while eating - good example of safe management between dog and child - Pooch Parenting Separation is not the same as isolation
dog in crate while baby is on the floor - safe management between kids and dogs - Pooch Parenting Separation is not the same as isolation

Supportive resources for parents with dogs

Looking for some ongoing support? Join the Club! The Pooch Parenting Society is the only membership of it’s kind – offering compassionate EXPERT and relatable advice FOR parents with dogs from a certified professional dog trainer, family dog mediator, mom and credentialed teacher.