
39. Baby Steps – Imperfect Action to Better Dog Behavior

It can be overwhelming to parent kids and dogs at the same time. There are so many decisions to make that it can be easy to feel paralyzed and not take any action at all.  Unfortunately, when kids and dogs live together, you can’t afford not to step in and try to help your dog to behave better.  The good news is that if you take baby steps, you will see more improvement than if you just wait and hope things will improve on their own.

Between the hundreds of dog training videos you can find on YouTube, blog articles and dog trainers online, it can feel overwhelming when you don’t know who you can trust. Fortunately, as a parent, family dog mediator, and certified professional dog trainer, you can trust me. I get it. I raised two kids alongside dogs and I know what it’s like to live in your shoes.  

In this episode, we discuss 3 examples of how I used baby steps to help different dogs to make progress. Sometimes it feels messy, but remember – imperfect action can still help you and your dog to make progress.

If you’d like ongoing support as your kids and dogs grow up together, or even for just a few months to help you to get through a rough patch, please get on the waitlist for The Pooch Parenting Society. You’ll enjoy the practical advice and fun family activities that will help your dog family live together in harmony.