
56. Parenting from Neutral – Mel Peirce

In this episode of the Pooch Parenting Podcast, I talk with parenting coach, Mel Peirce. We talk about how to “parent from neutral.” Our conversation covers topics that will set up parents and their dogs for success. We discuss parenting expectations, self-talk, and being proactive.

Mel Peirce - Parenting from Neutral

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About Mel Peirce:

Mel Peirce is a Certified Professional Coach and Parenting Mentor, as well as a long-time working wife and mom to two children that are now young adults, and an 11yo rescue named Willy. Mel began her career as a math teacher and youth group advisor. She went on to become a technical recruiter, and then co-founded and managed two high-growth staffing firm startups through her children’s early years, leading to a life of stress and overwhelm.

Mel originally hired a coach to help deal with stress and become a better leader at work. She didn’t realize how much it affected her as a parent until her daughter commented that things had changed at home until her daughter commented that things were different. When Mel asked what had changed, her daughter responded “You did”. Mel was hooked. She wanted to do what the coach was doing and help teach others. The calling became too loud to ignore so she separated from her businesses to pursue her coaching passion and professional certification.

Coaching changed everything for Mel and her family. Her relationships with her kids improved exponentially, and they have more peace in their home and lives. Mel truly believes that she has changed the lives of future generations for her family and her kids will now parent differently themselves based on what they’re learning from her — and she wants this for all parents.

In this Episode:

  • Patterns in parenting, planning ahead, be proactive
  • Parenting from Neutral
  • Avoid situations where you “command and demand”
  • Positive self talk: “I can handle this”, “today’s going to be a good day”
  • The danger of having expectations in parenting
  • Being curious as a strategy to increase parenting satisfaction
  • Instead of spiraling, pause to consider what went well.

Additional resources:

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