
81. Should You Bring Kids to the Dog Park?

Moms are often very busy, so it’s understandable that they might try to do family outings that meet the needs of their kids and dogs at the same time. But unfortunately, dog parks are not a safe place to bring children. So, if the question ever enters your mind, “should I bring the kids with me to the dog park?”, please opt out and consider what else might be an appropriate outing.

Why dog parks are not safe for kids

  1. Dog parks are for DOGS.
  2. Some dogs don’t like kids and it’s not appropriate for you to make dogs uncomfortable by bringing your children there.
  3. Many dogs are VERY excited and energetic when running around a dog park and it’s very easy for children to be knocked over or crashed into
  4. Adults should be supervising their dogs at the dog park and children pose a big distraction
  5. If dogs get into an altercation with each other, there is a risk to humans as well, especially ones who might wander off and get caught in the crossfire.
  6. Some children are unable to follow directions and might introduce a ball, toy or treat that causes unsafe competition or stress between dogs.

Why playgrounds are not safe for dogs

  • Playgrounds are for KIDS so they can enjoy playing outside on park equipment.
  • Some dogs are uncomfortable around children and distracted parents may not notice if their child is approaching an unsupervised dog
  • Many children are uncomfortable around dogs, so it’s unfair to them to have dogs in a space that’s supposed to be safe for kids to play
  • Parents should be focusing on their children at the playground and may not notice if a dog is demonstrating discomfort
  • If a parent has to rush to the aid of their child, they need to leave their dog unsupervised. It’s impossible to prevent children from approaching or feeding your dog (unsafe foods) while you are not present
  • Kids visiting the playground often bring snacks and eat as they are walking around. This means that food frequently falls on the ground – some of which (raisins or peanut butter sweetened with xylitol or birch sugar) are toxic to dogs who might be grazing for fallen goodies.

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Other supportive resources for parents with dogs

Looking for some ongoing support for your life with kids? Join the Club! The Pooch Parenting Society is the only membership of it’s kind – offering compassionate EXPERT and relatable advice FOR parents with dogs FROM a certified professional dog trainer, family dog mediator, mom with 23 years of experience and former classroom teacher of 16 years.